Making a difference…in Jesus’ name.

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Children Homes

The two official Margham Children Homes minister to approximately 80 and 25 children respectively. Outside these homes, a number of Margham pastors have orphans living in their homes they provide for alongside their families. The children are provided daily meals, transportation to and from school as needed, Christian teaching and a safe place to sleep.

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Pastor Support

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to the Margham ministry. As Romans 10:14 says, how are they to hear without someone preaching? We believe the best way to reach the lost is preaching this gospel. In India this is done in the church and on the street with door to door evangelism. Margham Pastors provide regular opportunities for believers and seeks to receive the ordinary means of grace through the Bible, sacraments and prayer.

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Sewing Ministry

Sewing is a skill to providing a livelihood for poor women in India. Sewing requires training and ultimately owning a sewing machine. Through Margham Sewing Centers, women are trained to sew as well as re